
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's in a name?

The 2 Mrs. Jewells...Our sweet sayla-Jewell was named after mama, or Mrs. Jewell Washer, Jacob's grandmother. She is the reason we drove 19 hours through the night with 3 kids to be with her during her last days. Unfortunately we missed her but I will never forget that 3 am phone call that she had passed.

We were in the road and had made it to Dallas and Jacob's phone rang. Of course in my sassy voice I asked..."Who would be calling us at 3am??" but immediately I knew it was the call we were dreading. Jacob kept saying over and over on the phone to his mom, "I just wish sayla-jewell could have met Mama". At that time I was feeding sayla-jewell in the back seat, I put her back in her seat, fully expecting her to go right back to sleep. But all the the sudden she started laughing and giggling.

Then she started shaking her car seat toys...and if any of you have a 2 month old, that is way out their range of movements, she has never grabbed at her toys or laughed that loud.

So in jacob's eulogy at the funeral he said it best. He said, "You know I really wanted to bring Sayla-Jewell to meet Mama, I just never thought mama would come to us"

We miss you mama.

All of our children have very special names that mean something.

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